
Elissa of Tyr is the first heart-bearer to have her own book, and I really really liked being able to just follow one of them for a little bit and see the adventure through their eyes.

Traveling with her dragon and her djinn – the conversations between these three were so great – they infiltrate the Emperor’s magical shields on the land. This was a very quick read, but it still had a good dose of adventure, and I was able to meet some characters that I’m pretty sure will have some major actions to play in series as we move forward.

The magic of the land and the emperor’s control over it were also detailed a little more, and his plans and schemes are starting to be revealed to the reader. There are some very interesting ideas here, but I can’t say much more without giving some big things away.

This is definitely a series of books that need to be read in order! I hope it continues to show as the adventures of each heart-bearer as they make their way back into the world to fight the emperor and his evil plan. I am thoroughly enjoying this unique land and the creatures within it.

Title: Heart of Tyr (The Heart of the Citadel #2)
Author: Susan Faw
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy

In a world where magic is forbidden, twenty children are given twin crystal heart pendants. Heirs of magic, the necklaces are not just a pretty baubles but indicative of forbidden magical blood. Heart bearer Elissa scoffed at her brother’s belief in dragons. That is until one abducted her on her eleventh birthday. Flown to the isle of Jintessa in its claws, Elissa discovers that not only are dragons real, but also the shapeshifters of legend. 

Bonded telepathically to a Djinn Dragonmerger named Druzy and his dragon Mysty, Elissa is given a mission to return to Tyr and free her home from the tyranny of an emperor determined to control all magic. Hunted by her magically enslaved brother, can Elissa free her people and bring down the barrier, without destroying Ellas, in the process?

The battle for ultimate control of magic, has begun.